7 Affirmations That’ll Make You Happier


We all know how important self-talk is. What you say to yourself (and how you treat yourself) matters, big time.

And, once you’re in the habit of watching your thoughts, it’s important to not only challenge the untrue ones, but also to replace them with something more uplifting. Something more like your best friend would say. Something that’ll encourage you to be happier, no matter the circumstances.

But, coming up with that new phrase can be hard sometimes. And, it can feel totally Stuart-Smalley cheesy, right?

That’s why today we are so thrilled to be sharing an excerpt from Kelsey Aida Roualdes‘ new book Affirmations for Happiness.

Filled with 200 inspiring, smile-inducing, positive affirmations, this is a book that’ll brighten your day and help you embrace joy from within. Which is so important!

And, as you’ll see in the affirmations for happiness that she’s sharing with us below, they’re way more empowering than cheesy. Just reading them feels good, so imagine how they’ll change your mindset and improve your self-talk for the better if you use them on the reg!

By Kelsey Aida Roualdes

Ever find yourself wishing you were happier? That you could discover more delight in everyday things? That you could feel good no matter what your current circumstances and create long-term contentment? You can!

The truth is that happiness is not something to be found but rather something you can create. No matter how things seem to be playing out in your life, you can consciously choose to feel happy — unconditionally, unapologetically, and without boundary. Reciting affirmations — short, positive statements you can say aloud or to yourself that are meant to inspire change — is one effective way to create more happiness in your life.

Each of the seven affirmations below is designed to help you release the blockages that once held you back from experiencing more joy, so you will naturally find yourself feeling happier. Reciting these words will help you own your happiness in an empowering and truly authentic way.

The moment has come to create more happiness in your life, one affirmation at a time!

1. Happiness is my birthright.

Every being deserves to be happy and free, including me. Nothing can take away this basic, inherent right. I’m ready to finally recognize what has always been mine! I’m stepping into my divine worthiness starting now.

2. Feeling good is my highest priority.

My feelings matter to me. All my feelings are valid, and I will process them with patience and grace. I will follow what feels best for me, prioritize feeling good, and love myself through the process.

3. My potential is limitless.

From now on, I’m doing my best to see the joy and abundance available to me. I let go of my self-inflicted restrictions and look for opportunities to fulfill my potential. I’m ready.

4. I honor the hard times that help me appreciate the happy ones.

Without sadness, I would not know happiness. Without lack, I would not know abundance. The contrast of life is a gift. I’m no longer labeling emotions as “good” or “bad.” I see the value in all of it.

5. Today I’m choosing happiness.

In every moment, I have the free will to choose. I can choose to feel happy every day, even if only for a moment. Every time I choose how I want to feel, my emotional muscles become stronger. I am becoming the master of my inner world.

6. Happiness comes naturally when I let go of what no longer serves me.

As I loosen my grip on the heaviness that holds me down, I gently float back up to the surface, where joy resides. Now weightless and without restraint, I’m ready to embrace my true nature of happily relaxing in the present instead of clinging so tightly to the story of my past.

7. I’m ready to claim my happiness!

There’s no reason why I cannot be happy if I choose to be. Happiness is for all of us and I’m ready to claim mine starting now.

–Kelsey Aida Roualdes

Adapted from Affirmations for Happiness by Kelsey Aida Roualdes. Copyright © 2020 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. Used with permission of the publisher, Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. All rights reserved.


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