You may have heard about adrenal cocktails and seen this “trendy” drink pop up on Instagram. Drinking an adrenal cocktail can help with stress response and so much more, and I’m breaking it down in today’s post!
Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. I’m getting everything ready for our 7-day reset – starts this Monday! Sign up here. It’s freeeeee.
For today’s post, I wanted to chat about a drink I’ve seen all over social lately: the adrenal cocktail. There are so many variations out there, but they tend to have a mix of coconut water, orange juice and salt. I reached out to Mia about chatting about this on the blog and she co-wrote this post!
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe and why you should try it
So what is an adrenal cocktail?
An adrenal cocktail contains a mix of potassium, sodium, and vitamin C.
It may be helpful in your routine if you:
– Are tired all of the time and lethargic
– Stressed out and reach for that extra caffeine to power through the day
– Have sleep issues and suffer from the “tired but wired” syndrome
Just know that you’re not alone if you experience these things and we have (one) of the answers for you to potentially help dig yourself out of this hole.
So what are adrenals?
The adrenals actually sit just on top of both kidneys. These little glands produce hormones that regulate your response to stress, your metabolism, glucose, blood pressure and immune system. When they are taxed, the rest of you tanks.The body craves homeostasis and balance. It is also really good at adapting, so if you’re stressed in one area, it will downregulate in another area to compensate for what it needs to use to keep you alive and functioning.
Example: your cycle gets longer or period goes missing when you’re under a work deadline or super stressed + over exercise + under eat = the body says “reproduction isn’t a priority right now, so we can skip ovulation this month.”
In order to provide the best balance for our body, to regulate blood sugar, improve metabolic flexibility and increase insulin sensitivity, we need to support it!
How do we do that? One small way is to add in a little drink called an adrenal cocktail. It provides essential vitamins and minerals, specifically potassium, sodium and whole food vitamin C, not ascorbic acid.
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe
Every “Adrenal Cocktail” recipe should deliver approximately:
375mg of Potassium (ATP, electrolytes)
460mg of Sodium (electrolytes, blood pressure & energy)
60mg of Wholefood Vitamin C (our adrenals need more in times of stress & carbohydrate source)
Adrenal cocktails can be a mix of orange juice, coconut water, salt, and/or cream of tartar.
My favorite recipes that are precise and help accommodate many individuals can be found here.
I order the Redmond’s sea salt from Thrive Market <— my link gets you 40% off your first order.
I also love the work of Morley Robbins and you can download his free PDF.
When should you drink an adrenal cocktail?
- For breakfast! If you’re not a “breakfast” person and the thought of stomaching food makes you green or you typically intermittently fast and hit the caffeine all morning, this drink is a great way to kickstart your metabolism and stoke the fire.
- When energy is low around 10 am and 2 – 3pm
- Before bed if you typically wake up between 2-4 am and can’t get back to sleep
- Pre or post workout
Have you tried an adrenal cocktail before? Is it something you think you’d incorporate in your routine?
Another one of my favorite morning drinks is this morning detox drink.
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