Hey friends! Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. The kids have had a few half days in a row for school, so it’s been a little less on the productivity front, but I’ve been loving take them out to lunch, to the park, and on some extra adventures. Today, we’re meeting up with the Pilot at the air show. The rest of the weekend should be pretty chill. We’re watching Harry Potter 6 (getting close!), heading to a friend’s house for dinner, and enjoying the beautiful Tucson weather. I hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend ahead, too!
Some Halloween pics:
(We tried taking pics of the guinea pigs in their costumes, but it was a giant fail. Donut’s was too small on her – she’s HUGE, like a furry football haha – and Cookie scampered out of her Wonder Woman costume in .2 seconds.)
Read, watch, listen:
This made me laugh so hard. We need a new dance movie!
Everyday ways we show kids we love them.
Why it’s important to prioritize happiness.
I’m fascinated by the benefits of extreme temperatures, and this is an interesting study about the body’s ability to adapt and its effect on brown fat. (I’m totally going to use our pool as a cold plunge once it gets a little chillier!)
Fitness + good eats:
Exciting news on the fitness front: I’m going to be having a birthday promo next week on fitness plans! If you’re looking for something new – either to start now, or to save until the new year – stay tuned for more details. It’s the first time I’ve ever done this, and I’m excited to share some of my top fitness plans with you at a sweet 50% off discount.
Some weeknight dinner inspiration.
Try this dance cardio and strength combo!
Fashion + beauty:
I’ve been posting more items on my Poshmark (lots of athletic clothes) if you want to check it out here!
Sakara Beauty chocolates! I’ve raved about these on the blog before, and while I don’t know how *well* they work, I admit that they bring me a bit of joy each morning. (I love a little chocolate bite with my morning coffee!) Check them out here and my code XOGINAH gets you 20% off the Sakara site.
If you’ve been wanting this cute Paige sweater, runnnnnnnnnnnn here! I got this in a recent Trunk Club and sent it back because of the price ($250). I instantly regretted it and decided to finally buy it. It’s 65% off now! Here is the link – they still have quite a few sizes available. It’s in pink here, too.
Happy Friday friends!
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