If you’ve been living with psoriasis for a while, you already know there’s no magic food that can erase all your symptoms. But some studies show a connection between eating foods that curb inflammation and an improvement in your psoriasis.
And if you have a cat, there are ways to change your diet that help you while keeping your food-sneaking feline friend safe, too.
Here’s a day’s worth of anti-inflammatory options that won’t harm your cat if they get into them.
Breakfast of Champions
Eggs. The omega-3 fatty acids in eggs make them a top inflammation buster. Whichever way you like them, they’re OK to share in moderation with your cat.
Just don’t let kitty get into raw eggs — they can be toxic to cats.
Oatmeal with strawberries. A nice bowl of porridge in the morning will give you a healthy dose of avenanthramides. These special compounds play a role in soothing inflammation in the body. The phytochemicals in strawberries also help keep inflammation at bay.
Strawberries aren’t toxic to cats, and as long as you mix your oats with a nondairy milk or water, your feline should feel fine if they happen to munch on your morning meal.
On Your Lunch Break
Gluten-free veggie pizza. Some people with psoriasis say their symptoms got worse after eating gluten or yeast. (But gluten doesn’t cause psoriasis.)
Make your own gluten-free pizza at home or treat yourself to delivery. Some pizza chains now offer a gluten-free crust.
No matter how you react to gluten, it’s pretty safe for your cat. But watch for any symptoms afterward — cats, like some humans, can be gluten-sensitive.
Big green, leafy salad. Not only will a hearty salad (topped with fruits and nuts) give your body tons of antioxidants, but this low-calorie food may help with weight loss too. Being overweight can make your psoriasis worse because it can ramp up inflammation in your body. One study showed that losing even a small amount of weight can ease psoriasis symptoms.
Your carnivorous cat will likely turn up their nose at your salad. But if they get curious and sneak a bite, they’ll be A-OK.
Home for Dinner
Grilled chicken with veggies. Red, fatty meats and the inflammation they cause can really do a number on your psoriasis symptoms. Swap out your beef for chicken and add in some veggies for a filling and healthy dinner option.
Cats typically enjoy a bite or two of chicken. But like some kids, your fur babies may pass on the veggies, even if most are generally safe. Keep them away from onions, either way — they’re toxic to cats.
Salmon with olive oil. Essential fatty acids in fish can also help lower inflammation. Opt for protein sources like salmon, which is also high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Adding a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil takes it up a level. Studies show olive oil acts much like ibuprofen in the body to reduce inflammation.
Onions or garlic on your ingredient list? Those aren’t good for cats. The strong smell often keeps them away. But to be safe, make sure their paws can’t get to these foods.
Savory Snacks
Sliced pineapples. Pineapples have an enzyme called bromelain, which tamps down inflammation.
Experts think cats are the only mammal that can’t taste sweet flavors, so they may pass on the pineapple. But if they happen to get a bite, no worries.
Nuts. Snacking on nuts often has been linked to lower levels of inflammation in the body. Take your pick — peanuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds, and pecans are all good for you. Just keep the tougher outer shell of nuts like peanuts away from your cat.
Some cats can be allergic to nuts. So watch them carefully if they happen to nibble on a nut or two. And look out for macadamia nuts and any heavily salted nuts. These can wreak havoc on your cat’s digestive system
Talk to your vet if your cat has diarrhea or vomiting after trying a new food. A little precaution can go a long way.
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