Ways to Handle Breast Cancer’s Out-of-Pocket Costs


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Amanda Maddalone, financial planning program manager, Family Reach.

American Cancer Society: “Treating Breast Cancer,” “The Costs of Cancer: Addressing Patient Costs,” “Follow up Care After Breast Cancer Treatment,” “Will My Insurance Cover Alternative and Complementary Therapies?”

American Health & Drug Benefits: “Comparison of Treatment Costs for Breast Cancer, by Tumor Stage and Type of Service.”

American Society of Clinical Oncology: “Lost in the Cancer Care System? Nurse Navigators Can Help.”

Breastcancer.org: “Treatment and Side Effects,” “Paying for Your Care,” “Acupuncture,” “Managing Your Health Insurance.”

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment: “Medical costs associated with metastatic breast cancer in younger, midlife, and older women.”

Cedars-Sinai: “Physical Therapy — Breast Cancer.”

CDC: “Breast Cancer Statistics,” “Leading Cancer Cases and Deaths, All Races/Ethnicities, Female, 2017.”

Current Cancer Reports: “Financial distress among breast cancer survivors.”

Family Reach: “Your Financial Guidebook for Adult Cancer.”

Integrative Cancer Therapies: “Barriers to Acupuncture Use Among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.”

Journal of Integrative Medicine: “Acupuncture price in forty-one metropolitan regions in the United States: An out-of-pocket cost analysis based on OkCopay.com.”

Lillie Shockney, registered nurse; distinguished service professor of breast cancer, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

National Cancer Institute: “For Some Women with Breast Cancer, Cost Influences Decision About Surgery,” “Financial navigator,” “Patient navigator.”

National University of Health Sciences: “5 Myths about Acupuncture Treatments and Their Effectiveness.”

Psychology Today: “How much does therapy cost?”


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